Two Friends Community Books: A Place for Stories and Connection
Walmart Foundation has provided the Jones Center with a $550,000 grant to support access to the cent...
The Walton Family Foundation is committed to supporting career pathways programs built for the needs...
The nonprofit will focus on three goals: a donation-based bookstore in Springdale, an author speaker...
Weaving NWA invites the community to connect around a shared love of home during its Week of Weaving...
Since 2009, to date we have clothed 5,867 individuals, totaling more than $597,600.00 in New Clothin...
Thirty-one Northwest Arkansas artists were selected for Artists 360’s seventh cohort and awarded $...
Public, private and nonprofit local programs together collected and processed at least 48,639 tons o...
According to the release, the merger allows the nonprofit “to approach housing needs on a regional...
A local organization that sprung up during the pandemic to assist laid-off hospitality industry work...
Excellerate announced a commitment of $18.7 million — $13.8 million in federal tax credits and sta...